Truck Dispatcher

от 50 000 до 150 000 на руки

Требуемый опыт работы: не требуется

Полная занятость, удаленная работа

Light Freight


Напишите телефон, чтобы работодатель мог связаться с вами

Чтобы подтвердить, что вы не робот, введите текст с картинки:

Hi! We're a Trucking Dispatch Service operating in the United States via laptops and phones through calls, texts, and emails in order to negotiate rates and book loads for commercial truck drivers. Our work is conducted during American business hours, which places shift time between 3 pm to 11 pm Moscow time.

Job Description: We assign a Dispatcher trucks to manage. To manage their trucks, a Dispatcher is directly responsible for: - communicating with their drivers to stay ahead of their load needs - monitoring a load board, and calling freight brokers in their destination area ahead of time to negotiate top pay, as well as load delivery conditions between shippers and receivers - communicating with their team leaders and sending supporting documents.

A successful candidate:
1) Speaks and types fluent English and is easily understandable.
2) Outstanding communication skills.
3) Has good negotiation skills, a decent understanding of phones and computers, experience in sales (or something similar), is ready to work, and easy to train.
*Multilingual skills are a major advantage; especially if you speak Spanish.

What we offer:
1) A work from home position.
2) Competitive pay.
3) A lucrative opportunity to work for a stable US-based company.
4) Flexible hours.
5) Free training & software.
6) A positive and supportive work atmosphere.

Thank you for your time and attention, we look forward to working with you! Please reply with your resume and short self-introduction video, and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.

 Доступно соискателям с инвалидностью 

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский язык
  • Time management
  • Sales Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Negotiation skills
  • Teamplayer
  • Analytical skills
  • Fluent English
  • English

Задайте вопрос работодателю

Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где располагается место работы?Какой график работы?Вакансия открыта?Какая оплата труда?Как с вами связаться?Другой вопрос

Вакансия опубликована 27 июня 2024 в Москве

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Light Freight
